Course List

List 1: Mandatory courses

51060004 Intro to Clean Energy 1 Sources 3.0
51060005 Intro to Clean Energy 2 Devices 3.0


List 2: Elective courses specific to the Energy Program (at least three from this list)

51060003 Hydrogen Technologies 2.0
51060006 Introduction to Wind Energy Harvesting 2.0
518003 Economy and Management of Energy Systems 2.0
518005 Solar and Photovoltaic Energy 2.0
518006 Bio-mass Energy 2.0
518007 Advanced Energy Transportation 2.0
TBD Energy Systems Engineering 2.5
TBD Entrepreneurship in Energy 2.0
TBD Modern Nuclear Energy 2.0


Additional relevant courses may be available, subject to course availability in the requested semester and approval from the advisor and academic coordinator.