Course List
List 1: Mandatory courses
51060004 | Intro to Clean Energy 1 Sources | 3.0 |
51060005 | Intro to Clean Energy 2 Devices | 3.0 |
List 2: Elective courses specific to the Energy Program (at least three from this list)
51060003 | Hydrogen Technologies | 2.0 |
51060006 | Introduction to Wind Energy Harvesting | 2.0 |
518003 | Economy and Management of Energy Systems | 2.0 |
518005 | Solar and Photovoltaic Energy | 2.0 |
518006 | Bio-mass Energy | 2.0 |
518007 | Advanced Energy Transportation | 2.0 |
TBD | Energy Systems Engineering | 2.5 |
TBD | Entrepreneurship in Energy | 2.0 |
TBD | Modern Nuclear Energy | 2.0 |
Additional relevant courses may be available, subject to course availability in the requested semester and approval from the advisor and academic coordinator.