Architecture & Town Planning
Main energy field:
Social science aspects of offshore renewable energy
PostDoc – 2011-2012 – Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Coastal zone management
PostDoc – 2009-2010 – Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Siting of Offshore Renewable Wind Energy/Land Use & Commercial fishing
PhD – 2007 – UMass Boston, Public Policy
MSc – 1991 – Technion, Urban & Regional Planning
BSc – 1984 – U.C. Berkeley, Political Economy of Natural Resources
Roles, Chairs, prizes
Chair of Urban & Regional Planning Program, Technion
Vice Dean of Student Affairs, Faculty of Architecture & Town Planning 2020
Golda Meir Award for Postdoctoral Studies, Hebrew University, Israel
The Award for Excellence in Public Policy, UMass, Boston
Lenz Memorial Award for Graduate Student Research, UMass, Boston
UC Berkeley Senior Graduate Foreign Research Award
University of California, Riverside Presidents’ Merit Award
Research Area in Energy:
Policy & Planning for offshore renewable energy
Research Interests:
Energy Conservation – Advanced Combustion and Energy Savings
Offshore Renewable Energy – Wind Power
Siting; decommissioning; multi-use; economic viability; what other uses can co-exist with wind power installations
Public acceptability; economic viability; multi-use: what other uses can co-exist with wind power; community acceptability; aesthetics; feed-in-tariffs
Selected Publications:
Furst, B., Portman, M.E., Teff-Seker, Y., “Activism or egotism? A critical view of the NIMBY phenomenon in cases of energy infrastructure in Israel” Geojournal, 88:4921-4938, 2023.
Shabtay-Yanai, A., Portman, M.E., Carmel, Y., “Contributions of marine infrastructures to marine planning and protected area networking”, Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 28(4): 830-839, 2018.
Furst, B., Portman, M. “‘Not In My Backyard’: Characteristics, causes, and responses to the NIMBY phenomena in Israel – case study analysis of energy infrastructure”, Ecology & Environment, 9(2): 34-41, 2018.
Portman, M.E. “Regulatory capture by default: Offshore exploratory drilling for oil and gas”, Energy Policy 65: 37-47, 2014.
Portman, M.E. “Offshore Renewable Energy – Stakeholder Perceptions and Public Participation in the New Frontier”, Modern Energy Review, Vol. 2(2):114-117, 2010.
Portman, M.E., Duff, J. A., Köppel, J., Reisert J., and Higgins, M. E. “Offshore Wind Energy Development in the Exclusive Economic Zone: Legal and Policy Supports and Impediments in Germany and the U.S.” Energy Policy, Vol. 37(9): 3596-3607, 2009.
Portman, M. E. “Involving the Public in Impact Assessment for Offshore Renewable Energy Facilities”, Marine Policy, Vol. 33(2): 332-338, 2009.